Great Science Share for Schools
What is the Great Science Share for Schools?
The Great Science Share for Schools is a fast-growing campaign to inspire young people into science and engineering. Taking place annually it involves young people between 5 - 14 years of age communicating their own scientific questions and investigations with new audiences.
The theme for this year’s event is the Climate Emergency, however, young people can follow other science topics that inspire them.
For Young STEM Leaders
The Great Science Share for Schools is an excellent chance for Young STEM Leaders to deliver exciting activities, events or interactions with others. Participating in the GSSfS can contribute towards the Discover, Create, Inspire or Lead badge for YSL2, YSL3 or YSL4.
Get involved with GSSfS as a Young STEM Leader
Video: GSSfS as a
Young STEM Leader
For STEM Ambassadors
There are lots of opportunities for STEM Ambassadors to get involved with the Great Science Share for Schools. If you are a STEM Ambassador, come along to our GSSfS workshop on Science Enquiry Skills to help you develop the communication skills to support scientific enquiry by learners in schools.
​Teachers can place requests for STEM Ambassadors on the STEM Learning database to support any of your GSSfS activities. STEM Ambassadors can continue to support remotely and can prepare videos and case studies or do something live over camera. Download our teacher pack to help you get started looking for a STEM Ambassador.
Workshop: Science Enquiry Skills for STEM Ambassadors
For teachers: Writing a good STEM Ambassador activity listing
For teachers
Over the last four years SSERC has worked with the STEAM Team from Thornton Primary School in Fife to make a series of live lessons shared during the live GSSfS event in June. The results have proved a bit hit with learners all over Scotland and beyond!
SSERC’s unique way of supporting the GSSfS inspired pupils from the Highlands to make a range of their own “cook-along” science videos in 2020.